Health News
Bartow Regional Plans $110 Million Expansion
Hospital President Sites Booming Population as Driving Force by PAUL CATALA On June 4, the BayCare Board of Trustees approved a $110 million plan to expand the hospital from 72 to 90 beds and enhance its emergency, catheterization lab and surgical services departments. “I think that’s amazing,” says Bailey Caustic, a Bartow native who was…
Targeting T1D
AdventHealth Initiates Study to Expand Screening in Underserved Populations by RYAN MILEJCZAK Type 1 diabetes, or T1D, is a condition in which the pancreas makes little to no insulin, leading to high levels of blood sugar. If not properly treated, it can have serious implications for a patient’s health. Over the past several years, there…
Sun Smart & Cancer Cautious
Tips for Protecting Yourself and Vulnerable Populations From Skin Cancer by REBEKAH PIERCE Living in the Sunshine State certainly has its perks — beautiful beaches, warm weather, and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy year-round. But with great sunshine comes great responsibility. Not only is it important to think about skin protection for yourself, but…
Word of Mouth: How to get a great smile for the New Year
SMILES ARE IMPORTANT. They say a smile can look like a million bucks or can make another feel like a million bucks … the advantages are endless. Whichever saying you choose, a healthy and beautiful smile can make you feel happier and increase your confidence. The start of the New Year is the perfect time…
Pediatric Health: Staying on schedule with your child’s vaccinations
VACCINATIONS PROTECT against many infections, including pertussis, mumps, measles, and even polio and diphtheria. Despite the fact that many of these diseases now seem archaic, it is important that your child receive vaccines in accordance with the schedule set out by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Association of Pediatrics.…
Medical Advice: Influenza A (H3) strain update
WE DO NOT LIVE in a sterile environment. There are germs all around us. In fact, you carry more germ cells on your body than human ones. Most of these germs are harmless and actually beneficial by helping us digest food and aid our immune system. However, there are others that can make you sick…