Pop Quiz: Are your halls decked with dangers?

‘Tis the season for health and safety, so test your knowledge to make sure your home is not a potential holiday hazard.

“Deck the halls with…”— well, with safety precautions. Even though this time of year is the time to spread laughter, cheer and goodwill to all, spreading safety tips may be a better gift to share with loved ones. Take our quiz and find out how prepared your household is to prevent any emergencies from occurring within your humble abode, and keep the merriment going full steam.

1) When hanging up decorations inside your house, what should you stand on for hanging items up high?

  1. Chairs and tables nearby
  2. Steel stools
  3. A small ladder
  4. Hang items within arm’s length and not any higher

2) If you decide to have candles out during the holiday season, what precautions should you take?

  1. Never have lighters or matches within reach of children.
  2. Keep candles away from heights where they could be knocked over by an adult, child or animal.
  3. Make sure to blow out the candle before going to bed.
  4. All of the Above.

3) True or False: Having a generator in the garage is okay.

4) When should you replace the batteries of your smoke detector?

  1. Once a year
  2. Four times a year
  3. Twice a year
  4. Whenever you feel like it

5) What makes up a family escape plan for fire?

  1. Choose two different ways to escape each room in the house.
  2. Determine a designated spot for the family to meet outside the house.
  3. Make sure each family member knows how to escape, and run the plan through practices every six months.
  4. All of the Above.

6) True or False: A fire extinguisher in your kitchen is not a necessity.


Answer 1: B) and C). Steel stools are recommended most when decorating, but a small ladder will help as well. Just make sure to have the stool and/or ladder on an even surface on the floor.

Answer 2: D) All of the Above. Children ages four and under are at a higher risk of fire-related injury or death, so moving items that could easily catch fire away from little hands is a good rule of thumb. Also, check to make sure ashes in your fireplaces are extinguished and the stove is turned off before calling it a night.

Answer 3: False. Any devices that require charcoal or gasoline to burn is a safety hazard, whether inside the house or even out in the garage. This also includes grills. Besides a potential fire occurring, those around the generator could be susceptible to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Answer 4: C) Twice a year. Batteries should be changed out twice a year while testing your smoke detector once a year, which will make sure it is still in working order. A carbon monoxide detector should be a consideration to install in your home as well.

Answer 5: D) All of the Above. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 85 percent of all fire deaths in the United States in 2009 happened at home, and fires are the third leading cause of death in fatal home injury. Having an escape plan in place in case a fire does happen at home will help keep your family safe.

Answer 6: False. November and December are some of the biggest cooking months of the year, while also being the main cause for residential fires in U.S. homes. Whether you are a culinary expert or just learning the cooking ropes, having a fire extinguisher handy in case of a grease fire or overcooked food combustion will prevent a minor kitchen mishap from becoming a burning inferno.

RESOURCE: All information provided by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, www.cdc.gov.



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