Fighting the Flu

The flu season is here again and with it concerns for protecting not only ourselves but our loved ones. The most susceptible to the flu are children under 6 months of age, those with chronic illnesses, pregnant women and the elderly. The flu virus can mainly be spread through ‘droplet’ infection that is in the air and in droplets of air that is breathed in. Additionally, it can be passed from person to person by touch.
The best way to prevent the flu is to get the flu shot. While it will not prevent the common cold, it will enable your body to produce ‘soldiers’ or antibodies which can fight off the flu virus should it enter your body.
Many ask of other methods to reduce the risk of infection. Some are listed below.
Everyday Preventive Actions
Hand washing: wash hands for at least 15 seconds. Use soap, warm water, and lather up then wash with vigorous rubbing to remove viruses Do this every time you sneeze or cough and before eating. Keep alcohol-based hand sanitizers have around the house or in a pocket or purse.
Cover your nose and mouth when coughing and encourage those around to do the same. Throw away tissues after use and wash hands after.
Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth as it encourages germs to spread.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, especially when someone is ill.
Avoid close contact. Stay away from people who are sick as much as you can.
If you get flu symptoms, call your primary care physician. Try to avoid contact with other people when possible.
It is very important to keep your immune system nourished so that you can fight the flu. This includes getting plenty of rest, eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting plenty of exercise.
Remember the flu season is considered October through May. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies that protect against flu to develop in the body, so make plans to get vaccinated early in fall, before flu season begins.
Dr. Trishanna Sookdeo is a board certified physician who has a Master’s in Public Health She cares for the whole family, ages 3 days and up. Should you have any questions or wish to schedule an appointment, call 863-419-2420 ext 2, and ask for Dr. Sookdeo.

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