
Beyond Breast Cancer Awareness

A look at prevention 365 days a year It’s time to lavish your pink frocks...

Affordable Care Act Update

Many Polk County residents are continuing to rely on free healthcare clinics, despite health insurance...

Pop Quiz: What’s your Medicare IQ?

A Test that Will Help You Get Smarter About Your Coverage For youngsters, autumn means...

Approaching health care with dignity, concern, and compassion

How the Central Florida Physician’s Alliance Serves Patients Spending more time in the waiting room...

Bringing hunger awareness to the table

The staggering facts on food insecurity among our fellow neighbors September and Hunger Awareness Month...

Davenport teacher named NFL Play 60 champion

Changing the way kids think about physical education and their health Susan Searls, a physical...

Pop Quiz: Are you a ‘good’ patient?

Find Out if You Make the Grade, and Learn Some Tips along the Way It’s...

Q & A: What it takes to work on the front lines of patient care

Paula Miller talks about the challenges and rewards of being a nurse There to get...

Healthcare workers in demand

A look at local opportunities from the ground up As baby boomers age, there will...

College Wellness 101

Making better choices for campus life now and the career ahead College can be an...

Tips for exercising while on the mend

Q&A with Jim Goodwin on how you can safely work out with an Injury When...

Preventing PAM: A rare, but lethal infection

Summer season is officially here. It is a great time to enjoy cookouts, playing sports...

Getting motivated to move

Local ways to have fun in the sun and get fit Polk County area residents...

Just say NO to lazy days of summer

The benefits of keeping kids active and fit while school is out Although they’re called...

Pop Quiz: Are you setting realistic fitness goals?

Nine questions to help you get on your way to success Diets, exercise, gym memberships...

Word of Mouth: Myths About Implants Debunked, Part III: Are they Affordable?

In my last two columns (part 1 | part 2), we debunked some common myths...

Meet the father of Family Fun and Fitness at the Fountain

Nat West: A man with plans for a better tomorrow A statue of a little...

What you should know about lesser-known cancers

Understanding the signs and symptoms for males of all ages Although breast cancer is usually...

Q&A: Facts vs. fiction of male ‘menopause’

Dr. Allan Alberton provides medical insight for men and what to expect during their change...

Pop Quiz: Knowing your heart disease and stroke risk

Are you controlling those health factors within reach? For men, heart disease and stroke together...

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