August STATS


Minority Report


Number of adults (out of 10) that meet the suggested physical activity guidelines.

Source: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

According to the USDA Food Environment Atlas, in 2007, 63.5% of Polk County residents met the suggested physical activity guidelines.

Physical activity guidelines for healthy adults are a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week.  (Always consult your physician before starting a new program if you have questions about your health conditions and risks.)  Physical activity could include walking, bicycling, swimming, gardening, aerobics, or anything else that gets you on the move!  This 30 minutes can be broken up into smaller 10 minute segments, but not less than that to count.  Each person really has to find what works for them.”

Laura Serke, a Registered Dietitian with Lakeland Regional Medical Center.


Tipsy-ing the Scales


Percentage of teens that drink during high school years.

Source: University of Michigan

Alcohol is prevalent and is acceptable in our society. It is legal [for adult consumption] and readily available.  Alcohol consumption is widely accepted often providing the cornerstone of social gatherings and celebrations. Alcohol is the most common drug among teenagers in Polk County. In 2004, 30 percent of teenagers in Polk County had used alcohol within the past 30 days.  In 2010, this statistic increased to over 38 percent.  Although alcohol use by teenagers at age 13 in Polk County started to decline by 2004, by 2006 it started to increase and is still increasing in 2010.  The lifetime likelihood that teenagers in Polk County we use alcohol is over 50 percent. Compare this to the lifetime use of cigarettes which is about 30 percent.”

Dr. Sergio B. Seoane of Winter Haven




Percentage of Americans that aren’t getting enough vitamin D.

Source: National Center for Health Statistics


Milk and sunlight are traditionally the primary sources of Vitamin D. Since 1970, our consumption of milk in the United States has gone down while the intake of soda, juice, and alcohol has gone up. So, Americans are getting less vitamin D in their diets. With the increase of skin cancer awareness and the use of sunscreen, we are also getting less vitamin D from the sun. It is not surprising that we are seeing many people with low levels of vitamin D (<30 ng/mL). People at greatest risk for low levels of vitamin D are those with milk allergies, vegetarians who consume no dairy products, people who live in colder regions or are homebound, infants, people with darker skin, people with kidney disease or those taking certain medications such as steroids or anticonvulsant medications.”

Carol Herendeen RD, LD/N, Watson Clinic registered dietitian


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