SEBRING, Fla. (Tuesday, February 25, 2025) — With the number of heart disease-related deaths rising in rural areas across the United States, AdventHealth Sebring hosted a special event today to help inform residents about heart care options available in their community.
More than 100 community members attended AdventHealth Sebring’s “Every Beat Counts” heart symposium.
Attendees learned about treatments, surgical technologies and the techniques used by AdventHealth Sebring’s team of expert doctors when caring for heart-related conditions and illnesses. Guided tours and interactive booths displayed the state-of-the-art technology being used to care for patients.
“We are thrilled to be able to offer this fantastic experience where members of our community can come and learn about the treatment options available to them here where they live,” said Dr. Thomas Shimshak, who serves as chair of the hospital’s cardiology department. “This is all part of our mission to provide exceptional whole-person care and help members of our community live long, health lives.”
Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death across the United States and in Florida. According to the Florida Department of Health, in 2023, the death rate from heart disease in Highlands County was about 151 per 100,000 people, which is higher than the state average of 135 per 100,000 people. Hardee County is even higher at 229 per 100,000 people.
The U.S. Census bureau says one-fifth of Americans live in rural areas, and data shows on average they live three years less than those who live in urban areas, largely due to heart disease and strokes. Recent research published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology also shows this difference widened between 2010 and 2022, driven by a 21% increase in cardiovascular deaths among working-age rural adults.
AdventHealth Sebring’s expert Cardiac Care team has a long history of positive outcomes and is guided by clinical research and innovation. AdventHealth’s network of care features the only interventional radiology unit and the only certified heart-and-vascular center in the Heartland. Since its Heart and Vascular Center opened in 2009, AdventHealth doctors have performed more than 4,300 successful angioplasties.
You can find more information about the heart care offered at AdventHealth Sebring by going to AdventHealth Sebring | Premier Sebring Hospital and ER.