A Time for Appreciation

The nursing shortage in Florida is reaching a fevered pitch. Some professional associations warn that the state could be lacking upwards of 50,000 nurses by 2035. Yet show me any hospital, clinic, or care center, and I promise you there are nurses working tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure the patients get the best care possible. That’s why the Polk County Medical Association and Central Florida Health News take the celebration of National Nurses Week in May so seriously. 

This edition offers a glimpse into the daily lives of nurses, including everything from long hours to endless empathy. 

We caught up with nurses from Bond Clinic, BayCare, and Watson Clinic to learn firsthand the trials and triumphs of the profession. Their responses to our Q&A serve to educate and remind us what it takes to provide unconditional patient care.

In an interview, Tammy Durden, Florida Department of Health-Polk County Director of Nursing and Community Health Services, explains her own passion for the profession, along with the importance of public health and outreach.

The Community Health Feature further delves into the importance of dedication and compassion in the field.

As always, don’t forget to take our Pop Quiz and check out the calendar to catch up on the latest events!  

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