
Itchy Skin? It Could Be Psoriasis or Eczema

Experiencing a skin condition can be a little unnerving, especially if you’re not sure what...

Is It Melanoma? Learn the Warning Signs

Melanoma is a dangerous type of skin cancer that comes from cells known as melanocytes...

A Watery Dry Eye

A Paradox Gritty, sandy, scratchy watery? Can all those words be used to describe dry...

The Link Between Obesity, Vascular Disease

Loving ourselves and taking care of our health to prevent or delay the onset of...

Hypertension and Vascular Disease

In the previous two issues, we addressed smoking cessation and the importance of sugar control...

Common Vision Problems

There are many types of vision problems that can affect your eyesight. The focus of...

You Have Options When It Comes to Treatment of Acne

Acne is known to be common among teenagers, but it can affect individuals for years...

Sugar Control and Vascular Disease

Happy New Year! This is the second part of our series focusing on lifestyle management...

7 Ways to Save Money on Your Glaucoma Drops

Glaucoma is a group of diseases that affect the optic nerve of the eye. It...

How Do Neuromodulators Fight Signs of Aging?

Time takes its toll on all of us, and it would be nice if we...

Treatments Can Help Diminish Acne Scars

Many adults struggle with acne scarring, whether left over from their teenage years or as...

What to Ask Your GYN at Annual Check-Ups

Your annual well-woman exam is crucial to your whole health. So, what should you be...

“There’s a fly in my soup!”

“There’s a fly in my soup!” No wait, that’s not a fly. It’s a floater...

The Connection Between Lifestyle, Vascular Disease

I cannot really believe that the holidays are upon us already. This year has been...

Diabetes — the Leading Cause of Blindness

October may be National Diabetes Month, but for me as an eye doctor, every month...

Protect Your Joints and Help Your Golf Game

Many people injure themselves simply because they do not stretch. A survey showed that more...

Diagnosis and Treatment of Shingles

Shingles is a contagious virus (varicella zoster) that results in a painful rash. The virus...

Understanding Metastatic Bone Disease

Cancer is always a frightening diagnosis, and knowing that the disease can spread from one...

Operative Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease

We’ve talked about what Peripheral Arterial Disease is in previous columns. Now, let’s look at...

Breast Cancer Surpasses Lung Cancer as Most Common

According to new information released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), breast...

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