Pop Quiz: Is your teen at risk for dating violence?

A light push… A condescending statement… They may be just innocent moves by a person, but these could be telltale signs of teen dating violence.  Is your teen at risk for being in such a relationship?  Take our quiz to learn more about noticeable signs of teen dating violence, and what you can do as a parent, teacher or friend to stop a harmful situation from getting worse.

1) What are more noticeable signs of a controlling partner in a teen dating relationship?

  1. Telling boyfriend/girlfriend what to wear.
  2. Determining who the partner can see or can’t see.
  3. Monitoring his/her partner’s cellphone calls, texts and social media accounts.
  4. Pressuring a boyfriend/girlfriend to do things he/she is not comfortable doing.
  5. All of the Above.

2) What could be considered simple actions in a relationship that could lead to potential dating violence? (Circle all that apply.)

  1. Name-calling
  2. Rolling eyes when partner is talking
  3. Teasing partner about aspects of his/herself
  4. Ignoring them regularly

3) True or False: Stalking is not considered a form of teen violence.

4) What kind of people are more susceptible to be involved in teen dating violence?

  1. People who see violence as a way to get what they want.
  2. People who can’t control their emotions, especially anger.
  3. People who have learning difficulties or struggles at school.
  4. People who are involved in drugs and alcohol.
  5. All of the Above.

5) True or False: Those who are in a violent teen relationship only struggle at school.

6) What should you do if you know someone who is in a violent relationship, whether as initiator or victim?

  1. Call your friend out on behavior and let him/her know, privately, you don’t agree with it.
  2. Give your friend resources to get them the help they need.
  3. Tell an adult you trust that you are worried about your friend’s safety.
  4. Don’t exchange violence for violence.
  5. All of the Above.

7) What can you do, as a parent, to talk with your teen about dating violence?

  1. Learn more about teen dating violence through research before talking with your teen.
  2. Don’t lecture, but have open conversations with you listening to your teen and asking appropriate questions.
  3. Show him or her examples of healthy and unhealthy relationships from the news, and discuss scenarios that could lead to a dangerous situation.
  4. All of the Above.

RESOURCES: Information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Florida Coalition against Domestic Violence.


Answer 1: E) All of the Above.  Teen dating violence, as stated from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the physical, sexual or emotional/psychological violence that occurs in a dating relationship.

Answer 2: A) and C).  Once thought of as innocent acts in a relationship, name-calling and teasing of your boyfriend/girlfriend is now considered a gateway that can lead to teen dating violence.

Answer 3: False.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, stalking still represents a form of teen dating violence as it involves psychological/emotional trauma to the person.

Answer 4: E) All of the Above.  Other signs include those who are exposed to violence at home, who spent time with violent individuals, have multiple sexual partners, or who don’t have proper parental support at home.

Answer 5: False.  Teens who are dating a violent boyfriend/girlfriend not only do poorly in school, but also are more prone to binge drink/eat, engage in fights, and even attempt suicide.  They could also bring violent tendencies into future relationships if help is not received.

Answer 6: E) All of the Above.  The Polk County School District even has a form on their website for people to fill out if they have witnessed harassment/bullying and wish to report it: http://www.polk-fl.net/bullying/

Answer 7: D) All of the Above.  The conversation between a parent and his/her teen should not be contentious, but informative and encouraging.  Parents should let their teens know that they can always come to them for help and will always be willing to listen without judgment.



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